The talk summarises work done by the authors consisting of a detailed study of the possible vacua in models with three Higgs doublets with S3 symmetry and without explicit CP violation. Different vacua require special regions of the parameter space which were analysed in our work. We establish the possibility of spontaneous CP violation in this framework and we also show which complex vacua conserve CP. In our work we discussed constraints from vacuum stability. The results presented here are relevant for model building.5 Affiliation valid till the end of 2016 with two Higgs doublets and NFC, with the Z 2 symmetry softly broken in the Higgs potential [8]. Three Higgs doublets and NFC with exact Z 2 symmetries allow for CP to be violated either explicitly [9] or spontaneously [10]. FCNC can also be eliminated at tree level assuming alignment of Yukawa couplings in flavour space [11], in this case complex Yukawa couplings give rise to new sources of CP violation. There have been several attempts at obtaining Yukawa alignment in several extensions of the SM [12,13,14,15]. Another very interesting possibility to avoid the problem of having too large FCNC with two Higgs doublets, is to build models allowing for Higgs mediated FCNC which are under control by means of a symmetry that leads to couplings suppressed by small off-diagonal elements of the quark mixing matrix V CKM . The first models of this type, based on a symmetry, were proposed by Branco, Grimus and Lavoura (BGL) [16]. Implications of BGL-type models have been extensively analysed recently, in the light of the LHC results, for several different implementations [17,18,19,20,21,22]. BGL-type models can have FCNC either in the up sector or in the down sector but not in both sectors at the same time. Recently, a generalisation of BGL-type models allowing for FCNC in both sectors was built [23]. BGL models models can also be extended to the case of three doublets [17].Three-Higgs-doublet models may provide good dark matter candidates [24,25,26,27,28,29]. One may also speculate that nature is such that three generations of fermions come with three Higgs doublets, which is, of course, an issue to be settled by experiment. As the number of doublets increases so does the complexity of the scalar potential and the number of free parameters in the theory [30]. Discrete symmetries play an important role in reducing this number and lead at the same time to testable predictions. Symmetries also play an important role in stabilising dark matter [31,32,33].As mentioned above, CP can be spontaneously violated in models with three Higgs doublets with Z 2 symmetries [10]. Such is also the case for an S 3 symmetry [34,35,36].This talk is based on the work done in Ref. [35] where the possible vacuum solutions were analysed and the possibility of having spontaneous CP violation in the context of three Higgs doublets, with an S 3 symmetry, was studied. In this work we concentrated our attention on the scalar potential. Several authors have considered implications of three-Higgs...