Published data on aggregation kinetics of sodium chloride crystals at its spontaneous crystallization from supersaturated aqueous-ethanol solutions were analysed. It was found that the crystals coalesced through contact nucleus-bridges between them according to the mechanism proposed by Polak. The kinetics of aggregation were described by the Smoluchowski equation for coagulation of colloidal particles. The kinetic coefficient of aggregation process depended on supersaturation, temperature of solution and other characteristics of the system. The specific surface energy of sodium chloride 0.95 mJ/m 2 was found.Investigations of last years showed that at spontaneous crystallization from solutions there is always aggregation of crystals [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. But at present theoretical models of the crystallization describe this process only on a quality level [8][9][10][11][12][13]. Earlier [14] it was shown that kinetics of aggregation of potassium chloride crystals at spontaneous crystallization from aqueous and aqueous-ethanol solutions in sympathy with coagulation of colloidal particles were describes by the famous Smoluchowski equation [15]. That equation for this case was transformed into [7,14]:where τ is the time (s); K a is the aggregation constant; τ 0 is the length of the induction period of crystallization (s); N 0 , N are the total numbers of crystals of salt in solution at the end of the induction period of crystallization and at time τ , respectively. During the crystallization of potassium chloride the aggregation constant K a decreased as result of drop in supersaturation of solution, and was determined by expression [7,14]:where K 0 is the hydrodynamic constant depending on the fluid dynamics conditions of crystallization process and determining the probability of collision of crystals in solution; P is the orientation factor, it is equal to probability of suitable coalescence orientation of crystals at the moment of the collision; V is the volume of solution (m 3 ); W 1 is the probability of the event that the formed nucleus-bridges between crystals will not be destroyed at the next collisions ; K 1 =K 0 PV -1 W 1 is the coefficient of proportionality; D 1 , D 2 , D 3 are constants; С, С 0 are the concentrations of supersaturated and saturated solutions of salt, respectively. It was shown earlier [14] that the hydrodynamic constant K 0 did not change and was a constant value during the crystallization process when a mixer speed was also constant. This is in agreement with [12].