Arrays of parallel metallic nanowires are shown to provide a tunable, robust, and versatile platform for plasmon interconnects, including high-curvature turns with minimum signal loss. The proposed guiding mechanism relies on gap plasmons existing in the region between adjacent nanowires of dimers and multi-wire arrays. We focus on square and circular silver nanowires in silica, for which excellent agreement between both boundary element method and multiple multipolar expansion calculations is obtained. Our work provides the tools for designing plasmon-based interconnects and achieving high degree of integration with minimum cross talk between adjacent plasmon guides.PACS numbers: 73.20. Mf,84.40.Az,42.82.Gw Electromagnetic modes in metal surfaces known as plasmons can propagate along millimeters in metallic structures at near-infrared frequencies [1], thus providing a plausible substitute for the electrical impulses used in current electronic circuits operating at microwave clock frequencies [2,3]. Several designs of plasmon interconnects have been prototyped in recent years, including metallic waveguides of finite cross section in symmetric [4,5] and asymmetric [6] environments, channels cut into flat surfaces [7], plasmon-band-gap structures based upon periodic corrugations [8], and plasmon hopping in arrays of nanoparticles [9,10]. Plasmon modes can be tuned in frequency, and their spatial distribution molded, by tailoring the geometry of metallic structures on the nanometer scale. In particular, extreme plasmon confinement has been achieved in narrow insulator films buried inside metal [11]. Actually, buried structures provide a natural but technologically challenging approach to compact integration. In contrast to that, open plasmonic geometries involve electromagnetic fields extending significantly away from the metal [5,6,7,8,9,10], and consequently producing a substantial degree of cross-talk between neighboring waveguides [12].In this Letter, arrays of parallel metallic nanowires are shown to provide a versatile and tunable platform for highly-integrated plasmon interconnects. The propagation distance and degree of confinement of the plasmon guided modes depend strongly on the separation between wires. Individual wire modes are recovered at large separations, while mode hybridization is observed when the spacing is reduced. Gap modes are observed at small separations, highly localized in the regions between two adjacent wires. We use both the boundary element method (BEM) [13] and a two-dimensional multipleelastic-scattering multipolar expansion of the fields for straight cylinders (2D-MESME) [14], with the two approaches resulting in complete agreement on the scale of the plots. These methods provide rigorous solutions of Maxwell's equations in frequency space for materials described by local dielectric functions and separated by abrupt interfaces. We focus on silver nanowires of circular and square cross sections embedded in silica. The dielectric functions of silver [15] and silica [16] have been...