Novel ferromagnetism in Ca1−xLaxB6 is studied in terms of the Ginzburg-Landau theory for excitonic order parameters, taking into account symmetry of the wavefunctions. We found that the minima of the free energy break both inversion and time-reversal symmetries, while the product of these two remains preserved. This explains various novelties of the ferromagnetism and predicts a number of magnetic properties, including the magnetoelectric effect, which can be tested experimentally.Novel ferromagnetism in Ca 1−x La x B 6 [1] has been the subject of extensive studies due to its high Curie temperature (∼ 600K) in spite of a small moment (0.07µ B /La) and lack of partially filled d-or f -bands. However, its mechanism still remains controversial. Ceperly suggested that this is a first example of the ferromagnetic phase of a dilute electron gas [2]. An alternative explanation [3,4] is based on the excitonic state [5] of the parent material CaB 6 . The parent compound CaB 6 has a cubic structure, and some band structure calculations [6,7] predict a small overlap of the conduction and valence bands at the X-points. Matrix elements of the dipole moments vanish between these states at the X-points; the dielectric constant is not enhanced even when the band gap collapses. This makes the excitonic insulator a plausible candidate for the ground state of CaB 6 [3]. By La-doping the extra electrons are doped into this excitonic insulator, and it has been found in the mean-field approximation that these electrons are perfectly spin-polarized [3]. Nevertheless, there is so far no conclusive explanation for the magnitude of the moment, much smaller than the electronic moment doped by La. Furthermore, the correlation between the La-doping concentration and the ferromagnetic moments are questioned by recent experiments [8]. Several experiments suggest that the ferromagnetism is not a bulk phenomenon, and occurs only in the thin film sample [9], or near the surface as evidenced by an electron spin resonance (ESR) experiment [10].In this letter we study in depth the symmetry properties of the excitonic state in CaB 6 in terms of the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory, and propose a possible scenario for the novel ferromagnetism. We classify possible states in terms of the magnetic point groups. The idea is that CaB 6 is a triplet excitonic insulator [3] with broken time-reversal (R) and inversion (I) symmetries, while their product RI is kept intact [3]. This means that CaB 6 is an antiferromagnet (AF), and the ferromagnetism is induced by the magneto-electric (ME) effect, and the La-doping and/or the surface works mainly as a source of the electric field. We emphasize that the present theory of ferromagnetism is different from those in [3,4], though all these theories are based on exciton condensation.This scenario of exciton condensation is justified when the band structure has a small overlap/gap at the X points. It is, however, still in controversy whether it is the case. Contrary to the LDA calculation [6,7], more recent LDA+GW calcula...