Abstract:An experiment was carried out at Saclay, in order to determine the ratio F~/ FSF with a 252 Cf source. An upper limit to this ratio is obtained, but the existence of spontaneous pion emission phenomenon is still an open question.The spontaneous emission of fragments from nuclei is now well established [1,2] : some radioactive ~ sources like Ra and U isotopes can emit 14C, 2L'25Ne,....fragments with branching ratios of i0 -I~ relative to the ~ particles. Rose and Jones reported the emission of I&C nuclei from 223 Ra with a branching ratio of 8.5 -2.5 i0 -I~ relative to ~ particles. Two theoretical models have been proposed [5,4] which share the assumption that intermediate mass spontaneous emission can be described by a barrier penetration process similar to spontaneous fission.More recently, the pionic nuclear radioactivity or spontaneous pion emission by a nucleus from its ground state was investigated [5]. This kind of radioactivity is only possible via three body final state channels. In this sense, it is different from the spontaneous emission of elementary particles (w, electron...) or spontaneous emission of nuclear clusters (~,IAC .... )The conservation of energy and momentum forbids the spontaneous emission of pions from a ground state nucleus via two body final state decay mode. To emit pions as free particles, sufficient energy must be imparted to the nucleus to create their rest mass. Experimental evidence for spontaneous pion emission from the ground state of 252Cf was recently published [8] after analysing the experimental data of Whetstone and Thomas [9]-The inferred ratio F~ § VSF> 6.10 -4 is surprisingly very large. However it is rather difficult to distinguish between electrons and charged pions (or muons) if the detection system is not suitable. In the spontaneous pion phenomenon, the pion energy is small and the charged pion identification presents considerable difficulties.0n the other hand, neutral pion identification, through the detection of the two 68 MeV gammas emitted at 180 degrees, gives more credible data.An experiment was carried out at Saclay, in order to determine the ratio F~ /FSF with a252Cf source. Two lead glass detectors were used to count gamma rays issued from the neutral pion decay. The response, the efficiency and the resolution of these detectors were studied pre-