“…Instead of low-level auditory features, these neurons seem to Single cell activity was usually recorded in BA 45A and BA 9/46v, both located rostrally to BA 8Av below the principal sulcus. Color-coded dots refer to the following studies: (Gifford et al, 2005), Romanski et al, 2005), (Cohen et al, 2007Russ et al, 2008a), (Romanski and Goldman-Rakic, 2002), (Cohen et al, 2006), (Lee et al, 2009;Russ et al, 2008b), (Sugihara et al, 2006), and (Gil-da-Costa et al, 2006) for activity in the vPM. Abbreviations: as arcuate sulcus, cs central sulcus, ipd inferior precentral dimple, ls lateral sulcus, ps principal sulcus, vpm ventral premotor area.…”