The non-trivial magnetic and electronic phases occurring in topological magnets are often entangled, thus leading to a variety of exotic physical properties. Recently, the BaAl4-type compounds have been extensively investigated to elucidate the topological features appearing in 
their real- and momentum spaces. In particular, the topological Hall effect and the spin textures, typical of the centrosymmetric Eu(Al,Ga)4 family, have stimulated extensive experimental and theoretical research. In this topical review, we discuss the latest findings regarding the Eu(Al,Ga)4 topological antiferromagnets and related materials, arising from a vast array of experimental techniques.
We show that Eu(Al,Ga)4 represents a suitable platform to explore the interplay between lattice-, charge-, and spin degrees of freedom, and associated emergent phenomena. Finally, we address some key questions open to future investigation.