“…In the experiment, effectively 1D GSs, composed of a few hundreds of atoms, were created in 87 Rb condensate, loaded into the OL potential [21].Besides the fundamental solitons and GSs, other types of multidimensional modes were also studied. In particular, many works dealt with vortex solitons i.e., multi-peak ring-shaped structures with embedded global vorticity imprinted onto the ring complex, in the semi-infinite gap, under the attractive nonlinearity [22,9,25,26,27,28,29,30,31], as well as gap vortex solitons under the repulsive nonlinearity [23,24,28,29,30,31,32]. The vortex solitons with the most basic structure are composed of four density peaks and may be classified into two categories: square-shaped, alias off-site-centered vortices, which are built as dense patterns with the central point positioned at a local maximum of the OL potential [9,25,26,27,23,30,31,32], and rhombic configurations, alias "diamonds" or on-site-centered vortices, which feature a vacant lattice site at the center [26,27,28,29,30,31,32].Another effective means for controlling the dynamics of the BEC may be provided by subjecting various parameters, which affect properties of the condensate, to periodic time-modulation (these tools belong to the general class of management techniques [33]).…”