The Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts (DFR) framework for noncommutative (NC) space-times is considered as an alternative approach to describe the physics of quantum gravity. In this formalism, the NC parameter, i.e. θ µν , is promoted to a coordinate of a new extended space-time.Consequently, we can construct a Field Theory in a space-time with spatial extra-dimensions.This new coordinate has a canonical momentum associated, where the effects of a new physics point of view can emerge in the fields propagation along the extra-dimension. In this paper we have introduced the gauge invariance in the DFR NC space-time by the composite symmetry U ⋆ (N ) × U ⋆ (N ). We have constructed the non-Abelian gauge symmetry based on DFR formalism, and we analyzed the consequences of this symmetry in the presence of such extradimensions. The gauge symmetry in this DFR scenario can reveal new gauge fields attached to θ-extra-dimension. As an application, we have accomplished the unification of Strong Interaction with the electromagnetism and a Higgs model to give masses to the NC bosons. We have estimated their masses by using some experimental constraints of QCD.