“…Since correlation functions should satisfy periodicity conditions on the time coordinate, known as Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) conditions, the finite-temperature theory is defined on the compactified manifold Γ 1 4 = S 1 ×R 3 , where S 1 is a circumference with length proportional to the inverse of the temperature and R 3 is the Euclidean 3-dimensional space. Compactification of spatial dimensions [5,6] is considered in a similar way. An unified treatment, generalizing various approaches dealing with finite-temperature and spatialcompactification concurrently, has been constructed [7,8,9] These methods have been employed to investigate spontaneous symmetrybreaking induced by temperature and/or spatial constraints in some bosonic and fermionic models describing phase transitions in condensed-matter, statistical and particle physics; for instance, for describing the size-dependence of the transition temperature of superconducting films, wires and grains [10,11]; for investigating size-effects in first-and second-order transitions [12,13,14,15]; and for analyzing size and magnetic-field effects on the Gross-Neveu (GN) [16] and the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) [17] models, taken as effective theories [18] for hadronic physics [19,20,21].…”