Spontaneous spinal epidural haematoma is a rare but well-known entity that has been considered a surgical emergency. Brown-Sequard syndrome resulting from spontaneous cervical spinal epidural haematoma is rare. Only 11 cases have been described in the literature. We reported an 85-year-old female who presented with Brown-Sequard syndrome at the right C5 level, and an acute haematoma located from the C3 to C6 level was diagnosed from the series images. Within two weeks after decompressive surgery, the previous neurological deficits had gradually improved. (Hong Kong j.emerg.med. 2014;21:107-111) 自發性脊髓硬膜外血腫是一種罕見但眾所周知的外科急症。頸椎自發性脊髓硬膜外血腫造成脊髓半切綜 合徵是罕見的。在文獻中只有 11 個病例。我們報告一個 85 歲的女性病人,有右側 C5 椎體水平的脊髓半 切綜合徵,一系列影像診斷為位於從 C3 到 C6 水平的急性血腫。減壓手術後兩個星期內,先前的神經功 能缺損已逐漸改善。