The purpose of the study: based on data analysis, to develop a formula for calorimetry of students’ heart rate during physical activity and experimentally prove the effectiveness of its application in the training process. The study participants (n=98) were divided by body weight into groups (n=7), regardless of gender and age (20-25 years). Various mobile devices with the function of heart rate calculation and monitoring of kilocalories burning were used in the implementation of control physical activities at different levels of intensity. Analysis of the obtained calorimetric data for each group and the level of training intensity allowed us to identify patterns and develop a formula based on them for an affordable and simple calculation of kilocalories. N=0.00168-0.098/P, where N is the number of kilocalories burned for 1 heart contraction per 1 kilogram of body weight, P is the heart rate in physical training (beats per minute). An experimental study confirmed the effectiveness of using the author’s formula of heart rate calorimetry for the accuracy and uniformity of kilocalories burning in students when they exercise aerobic physical activity.