Alice wants to join a new social network, and influence its members to adopt a new product or idea. Each person v in the network has a certain threshold t(v) for activation, i.e adoption of the product or idea. If v has at least t(v) activated neighbors, then v will also become activated. If Alice wants to activate the entire social network, whom should she befriend? More generally, we study the problem of finding the minimum number of links that a set of external influencers should form to people in the network, in order to activate the entire social network. This Minimum Links Problem has applications in viral marketing and the study of epidemics. Its solution can be quite different from the related and widely studied Target Set Selection problem. We prove that the Minimum Links problem cannot be approximated to within a ratio of O(2 log 1−ε n ), for any fixed ε > 0, unless NP ⊆ DT IME(n polylog(n) ), where n is the number of nodes in the network. On the positive side, we give linear time algorithms to solve the problem for trees, cycles, and cliques, for any given set of external influencers, and give precise bounds on the number of links needed. For general graphs, we design a polynomial time algorithm to compute size-efficient link sets that can activate the entire graph.1 G = (V, E,t) with V (G) representing individuals in the social network, E(G) denoting the social connections, and t an integer-valued threshold function. Starting with a target set, that is, a subset S ⊆ V of nodes in the graph, that are activated by some external incentive, influence propagates deterministically in discrete time steps, and activates nodes.For any unactivated node v, if the number of its activated neighbors at time step t − 1 is at least t(v), then node v will be activated in step t. A node once activated stays activated. It is easy to see that if S is non-empty, then the process terminates after at most |V | − 1 steps. We call the set of nodes that are activated when the process terminates as the activated set. The problem proposed by Domingo and Richardson [21,43] can now be formulated as follows: Given a social network G = (V, E,t), and an integer k, find a subset S ⊆ V of size k so that the resulting activated set is as large as possible. In the context of viral marketing, the parameter k corresponds to the budget, and S is a target set that maximizes the size of the activated set. One question of interest is to find the cheapest way to activate the entire network, when possible. The optimization problem that results has been called the Target Set Selection Problem, and has been widely studied (see for eg. [8,3,40]): the goal is to find a minimum-sized set S ⊆ V that activates the entire network (if such a set exists). In a certain sense, the elements of this minimum target set S are the most influential people in the network; if they are activated, the entire network will eventually be activated.There are, however, two hidden flaws in the formulation of the target set problem. First, the nodes in the target set are as...