The use of pneumatic cylinders with return springs in mechanical drives with reusable energy for reusable and continuum movements, fixing the output link in the extreme positions are considered. A defined range of work operations can be used by these cylinders. The use of pneumatic actuators with return springs in mechanical drives based on linear spring batteries with two springs is proposed. Algorithms for compensating dissipative losses in mechanical spring drives are considered. The maximum mass values that can be moved by such mechanical drives for each size of the pneumatic cylinder are determined. It is proposed to use pneumatic cylinders with return springs in mechanical drives with energy recovery based on nonlinear spring batteries. A mechanical spring drive for unwinding rolls of packaging materials with discrete modes. In tasks of reciprocating movement of objects with a controlled stand in extreme positions, the reduction of energy costs is achieved when using mechanical spring drives with energy recovery. Energy costs can be reduced several times. Traditionally, a spring-loaded drive contains a linear or nonlinear spring-loaded battery, a control system, controlled clips and a motor to compensate for dissipative losses. The use of electric motors to compensate for dissipative losses is also limited by low speed, as compensation for dissipative losses occurs throughout the displacement and with high speed increases engine power and requires transmission with a large gear ratio.