Now a days automobiles play a significant role in our day to day life, but automobile vehicles (cars) also need proper care and service to get optimum performance from them. Balancing technology is one of the important aspect of automobile vehicle and unbalance in tyres of vehicle plays an important part in vehicle performance.Of course, it's natural for any rotating component to vibrate. Even in the best of operating condition vehicle will have some minimum vibration because of small, minor defects. However, when machinery vibration increases or becomes excessive, some mechanical trouble is usually the reason, which can be -unbalance, misalignment, worn out gears or bearings, looseness, etc.This paper focusses importance of balancing technology specially effect of tyre unbalance and its adverse effect on vehicle (car) performance and remedial steps to improve these effects. Idea of writing this type of paper is to highlight the significance of balancing technology in a high speed vehicles (specially cars) and also to aware the consumers (car owners) and manufacturer both about this paramount technology.Sometimes these studies are quite helpful in order to facilitate better design of wheel assembly (which includes tyres and wheel both) so that there should be minimum unbalance which affects the performance of vehicle.