Sorption of radionuclides / Sorption ratio / Sorption mechanisms / Radioactive Cs + ¡Radioactive Sr 2+ /Radioactive Ce 3+ Summary A general formula for the sorption ratio that is observed experimentally in natural systems is presented taking into account three kinds of processes: sorption at the outer surface of the solid particles, sorption in porous particles and one-directional processes such as precipitation or coprecipitation. These various processes as well as the mechanisms and the kinetics of sorption are discussed.The sorption of radioactive Cs + , Sr 2+ and Ce 3+ is studied in two selected natural sediment/groundwater systems, one of low and one of high salinity, under various conditions. Cs + ions are mainly sorbed in clay minerals that are suspended in the groundwater with relatively high sorption ratios, Sr 2+ ions are mainly sorbed on the sediments with relatively low sorption ratios, and Ce 3+ is mainly found in form of colloids or in suspended particles or in coprecipitates. Coprecipitation leads to very high sorption ratios for Ce 3+ . The behaviour of Cs + , Sr 2+ and Ce 3+ is typical for all elements with similar properties.