IntroductionHydrogen is the lightest element in the periodic table and is primarily used as a chemical building block in a large number of chemical processes. Currently, about 96 % of hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels with close to 48 % from natural gas (methane), $30 % from petroleum feedstock (oil) and $18 % from coal. Only $4 % of hydrogen is produced by electrolysis although this is almost certain to increase in the future. The major use of hydrogen, close to 50 % of that produced, is in ammonia synthesis, followed by refinery use and methanol synthesis. Only a very small fraction is used as a fuel although this will undoubtedly increase in the near future as we enter the era of the hydrogen economy.Steam reforming of natural gas, especially in the US, is by far the most common process used for the production of hydrogen. In steam reforming, methane is mixed with steam and the catalytic reaction is carried out at high pressure (e.g., 30-40 bar) and high temperature (700-900 8C). Because the reaction is controlled by thermodynamic equilibrium, in order to increase the overall conversion of the process, shift reactors (high and low temperature) are used to increase the hydrogen conversion, followed by a preferential oxidation reactor (PreOx) and hydrogen separator (PSA). Unfortunately, the by-product of the reaction is the greenhouse gas CO 2 , which could not and should not be exhausted to the atmosphere and needs to be treated. A membrane reactor can increase the overall conversion of a thermodynamic equilibrium-controlled reaction by continuously removing one or more of the reaction products during the reaction. Therefore, it is especially suited for carrying out the steam reforming reaction.Metallic membranes, particularly, Pd and Pd/alloy membranes supported on porous metal, are well suited for the steam-reforming application. Both metallic membrane and porous support are chemically, mechanically and thermally stable at high temperatures and pressures. Composite membranes supported on porous metal have the advantage over stand-alone thin films because a thin membrane layer can be made since the porous support provides the necessary mechanical strength Membranes for Energy Conversion. Volume 2. Edited by Klaus-Viktor Peinemann and Suzana Pereira Nunes