THE QUANTITIES DISCUSSED in Sections 2.2 and 2.3 are well-defined and have causal interpretation under standard conditions. We briefly recall these conditions, using the potential outcomes notation. Let Y u1 and Y u0 denote the potential outcomes under the treatment states 1 and 0. These outcomes are not observed jointly, and we instead observe Exogeneity fails when D depends on the potential outcomes. For example, people may drop out of a program if they think the program will not benefit them. In this case, instrumental variables are useful in creating quasi-experimental fluctuations in D that may identify useful effects. Let Z be a binary instrument, such as an offer of participation, that generates potential participation decisions D 1 and D 0 under the instrument states 1 and 0, respectively. As with the potential outcomes, the potential participation decisions under both instrument states are not observed jointly. The realized participation decision is then given by D = ZD 1 + (1 − Z)D 0 . We assume that Z is assigned randomly with respect to potential outcomes and participation decisions conditional on X, that is,There are many causal quantities of interest for program evaluation. Chief among these are various structural averages:, the causal LASF-T; as well as effects derived from them such as, the causal LATE-T. These causal quantities are the same as the structural parameters defined in Sections 2.2-2.3 under the following well-known sufficient condition. ASSUMPTION G.1-Assumptions for Causal/Structural Interpretability: The following conditions hold P-almost surely:This condition due to Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Abadie (2003) is much-used in the program evaluation literature. It has an equivalent formulation in terms of a simultaneous