It is shown that a squeezing pattern is produced in resonance fluorescence from N atoms distributed at regular positions. The squeezing pattern has twice the periodicity of the ordinary diffraction pattern. Directions in which squeezed coherent states are observed alternate with directions in which squeezed vacuum states occur. The squeezing effect is N times stronger than in resonance fluorescence from a single atom. For some years the problem of producing and observing squeezed states of light has been a subject of increasing interest in quantum optics research. Because of the reduced fluctuations in one quadrature component of the electric field the application of squeezed states in optical communication systems and gravitational-wave detection offers new possibilities. 1 In particular, for interferometric detection of the gravitational waves squeezed vacuum states are needed. 2 However, squeezed states predicted to be generated in nonlinear optical processes, such as four-wave mixing 3 and multiphoton absorption, 4,5 exhibit substantial coherent amplitudes. Even the squeezing effect in resonance fluorescence from a single atom is connected with the occurrence of a nonvanishing coherent amplitude of the scattered light. 6 " 8 Squeezed vacuum states have therefore been proposed to be produced by interference of squeezed coherent states. 9 The effect of squeezing in resonance fluorescence from a single atom driven by coherent light was first predicted by Walls and Zoller. 6 Clearly, this microscopic source of light can hardly be used for practical applications. On the other hand, in the macroscopic case when a large number of atoms contribute to the fluorescent light the effect of squeezing is lost if the atoms are distributed at random positions since there are no well-defined phase relations between the coherently scattered light parts from different atoms. 7,8 In the present Letter we will show that, similar to the ordinary diffraction pattern, a squeezing pattern is produced in resonance fluorescence from many regularly distributed atoms. The directions in which squeezing is observed coincide with the directions of the maxima and minima of the coherent light amplitude. Thus, the resonance fluorescence from TV atoms distributed at regular positions represents a macroscopic light source producing squeezed coherent states and squeezed vacuum states simultaneously.Let us consider a multimode light field, the operator of the electric field strength of which may be written «as EU.O-E^O^+E^Cr,/), (1) where E ( + ) and E (_) = (E^) 1 ", respectively, are the positive-and negative-frequency parts (the caret denotes an operator). The condition for squeezing can be written in terms of the normally ordered variance 1 : <:(AE) 2 :><0(2) in certain space-time intervals. In the case of resonance fluorescence we may write the positivefrequency part of the electric field as 10 where R~+ }(3) f ree and Es C at , respectively, represent the free-field operator and the operator of the field produced by the atomic system. If th...