PACS numbers:A serious obstacle that impedes the application of low and high temperature superconductor (SC) devices is the presence of trapped flux [1,2]. Flux lines or vortices are induced by fields as small as the Earth's magnetic field. Once present, vortices dissipate energy and generate internal noise, limiting the operation of numerous superconducting devices [2,3]. Methods used to overcome this difficulty include the pinning of vortices by the incorporation of impurities and defects [4], the construction of flux dams [5], slots and holes [6] and magnetic shields [2,3] which block the penetration of new flux lines in the bulk of the SC or reduce the magnetic field in the immediate vicinity of the superconducting device. Naturally, the most desirable would be to remove the vortices from the bulk of the SC. There is no known phenomenon, however, that could form the basis for such a process. Here we show that the application of an ac current to a SC that is patterned with an asymmetric pinning potential can induce vortex motion whose direction is determined only by the asymmetry of the pattern. The mechanism responsible for this phenomenon is the so called ratchet effect [7][8][9], and its working principle applies to both low and high temperature SCs. As a first step here we demonstrate that with an appropriate choice of the pinning potential the ratchet effect can be used to remove vortices from low temperature SCs in the parameter range required for various applications.Consider a type II superconductor film of the geometry shown in Fig. 1, placed in an external magnetic field H. The superconductor is patterned with a pinning potential U (x, y) = U (x) which is periodic with period ℓ along the x direction, has an asymmetric shape within one period, and is translationally invariant along the y direction of the sample. The simplest example of an asymmetric periodic potential, obtained for example by varying the sample thickness, is the asymmetric sawtooth potential, shown in Fig. 1b. In the presence of a current with density J flowing along the y axis the vortices move with the velocitywhere f L = (J ×ĥ)Φ 0 d/c is the Lorentz force moving the vortices transverse to the current,ĥ is the unit vector pointing in the direction of the external magnetic field H, f u = − dU dxx is the force generated by the periodic potential, f vv is the repulsive vortex-vortex interaction, Φ 0 = 2.07 × 10 −7 G cm 2 is the flux quantum, η is the viscous drag coefficient, and d is the length of the vortices (i.e. the thickness of the sample).When a dc current flows along the positive y direction, the Lorentz force moves the vortices along the positive x direction with velocity v + . Reversing the current reverses the direction of the vortex velocity, but its magnitude, |v − |, due to the asymmetry of the potential, is different from v + . For the sawtooth potential shown in Fig. 1b the vortex velocity is higher when the vortex is driven to the right, than when it is driven to the left (v + > |v − |). As a consequence the applicati...