Vojnotehničkog instituta, BeogradRezime: U radu su prikazani efekti povećanja dometa artiljerijske rakete sa olučastim krilima na njenu dinamičku stabilnost. Totalni impuls raketnog motora, uvećan za 50% i let rakete kroz slojeve atmosfere sa malom gustinom vazduha povećavaju domet rakete za više od 75% od nominalnog dometa. Međutim, let rakete kroz razređeni vazduh proizvodi teškoće koje se odnose na dinamičku stabilnost. Male promene bočnog momenta indukovanog napadnim uglom i Magnusovog momenta mogu proizvesti nestabilnost kretanja i nedozvoljeni rast napadnog ugla. Određene su tolerancije bočnog momenta za osnovnu i poboljšanu varijantu rakete radi sprečavanja nestabilnog leta. Analiziran je, takođe, uticaj povećanja dometa na verovatna odstupanja rakete po dometu i pravcu. Ključne reči: nevođena raketa, putanja, dinamička stabilnost, rasturanje, olučasta krila.
Summary:This paper presents the effects of the range extension of an artillery rocket with wrap around fins on its dynamic stability. The increased total impulse of the rocket engine for 50% and flight through the atmosphere layers with low air density extend the range for more than 75% of the nominal range. However, the flight of the unguided rocket through the rarefied air produces difficulties related to the dynamic stability. The small changes in the side moment which is induced by the angle of attack and Magnus moment of the improved rocket can produce instabilities in flight and increasement the angle of attack. The tolerances of the side moment were determined for both basic and improved type of the rocket in order to prevent instable flight. The influence of the range extension on the probable errors in range and cross-range was analyzed as well.