The Autonomous Reactivity Control (ARC) system was developed to ensure inherent safety of Generation-IV reactors while having a minimal impact on reactor performance and economic viability. In this study we present the transient response of fast reactor cores to postulated accident scenarios with and without ARC systems installed. Using a combination of analytical methods and numerical simulation, the principles of ARC system design that assure stability and avoids oscillatory behavior have been identified. A comprehensive transient analysis study for ARC-equipped cores, including a series of Unprotected Loss of Flow (ULOF) and Unprotected Loss of Heat Sink (ULOHS) simulations, were performed for Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) Advanced Burner Reactor (ABR) designs. With carefully designed ARCsystems installed in the fuel assemblies, the cores exhibit a smooth non-oscillatory transition to stabilization at acceptable temperatures following all postulated transients. To avoid oscillations in power and temperature, the reactivity introduced per degree of temperature change in the ARC system needs to be kept below a certain threshold the value of which is system dependent, the temperature span of actuation needs to be as large as possible.