Conditions of stability in electrolyzers of a distributed parameter nature, subjected to perturbations in electrolyte temperature and concentration, are analyzed in terms of Liapunov functionals.In an earlier paper (li, stability conditions for electrolyzers, which can be modeled as a continuous flow stirred tank electrochemical reactor (CSTER), were analyzed in terms of appropriately chosen Liapunov functions. It was shown that this essentially algebraic method provides an elegant and relatively straightforward tool in contrast to a systematic numerical solution of the governing differential equations representing substance and thermal balances of the CSTER. The current companion paper extends the Liapunov approach to electrolyzers with distributed parameter characteristics, i.e., where electrolyte concentration and temperature vary along at least one spatial variable, e.g., in the direction of electrolyte flow as in fluidized bed electrode cells, porous electrode cells, and trickle tower cells. Two mathematical models may offer at least an approximate quantitative description of such electrolyzers: the ERAD (electrochemical reactor with axial dispersion) and the PFER (plug flow electrochemical reactor) models. The latter may be regarded as a limiting case of the former when, in the absence of dispersive flow, i.e., mixing, concentration, and temperature vary along the electrodes in a plugwise (or slugwise) manner; in both cases, however, a plugwise velocity profile is postulated. The two models differ structurally inasmuch as the ERAD equations are parabolic whereas the PFER equations are hyperbolic. In spite of these differences, Liapunov theory prescribes a conceptually similar approach to both electrolyzer models, resulting in comparable stability criteria.The treatment relies to a certain extent on previous studies of chemical reactor stability where the concept of the Liapunov functional was applied by several authors, following the pioneering work of Zhubov (2). Berger and Lapidus (3) considered the stability of distributed systems with single and multiple equilibrium profiles using the adiabatic catalyst particle and an empty tubular reactor with axial diffusion as working examples. Liou, Lim, and Weigand (4, 5) refined the stability-of-a-catalyst-particle problem in terms of parametrically optimized Liapunov functions and extended the technique to nonadiabatic tubular reactors with axial mixing and recycle. A general theoretical framework for the stability analysis of distributedparameter-type chemical reaction systems has also been presented (6).The concept of axial dispersion has so far received only limited attention in electrochemical engineering [e.g., (7-10)], although its importance in determining the performance of, e.g., packed bed porous electrode systems at low flow rates has been earlier recognized (11). The dynamic behavior of ERAD systems is the subject of a recent theoretical study (12) that does not investigate directly electrolyzer stability. There is, therefore, ample motivation for th...