SUTT 70 kV Parakan-Kadipaten is one of the transmission networks located in areas with high lightning activity so that there is the potential for interference. If the voltage (V) caused by lightning > Basic Insulation Level (BIL) insulator, a backflash over will occur. One of the efforts made to minimize interference is by paralleling the tower inductance with NA2XSY cable which has a lower inductance than the tower. This study aims to determine the installation method and the effect of parallel installation of inductance to reduce interference due to lightning strikes. The research was carried out by performing calculations to determine the lightning Vimpuls before and after the parallel inductance and then comparing it with the BIL value of the insulator and network disturbance data. If the lightning Vimpuls > BIL insulator then a backflash over occurs and if the lightning Vimpuls < BIL insulator then there is no backflash over. From the calculation results, it is found that the value of lightning Vimpuls before parallel inductance > BIL insulator and after parallel inductance drops significantly to < BIL insulator. Meanwhile, when compared with the fault data 3 years before and 3 years after parallel, the fault inductance also decreased. In the year before the parallel inductance, namely 2015 there were 4 disturbances, in 2016 4 disturbances, in 2017 1 disturbance, and in 2018 the January-June period there were no disturbances. In the year after the parallel inductance installation, namely in 2018 for the July-December period there were no disturbances, in 2019 there were no disturbances, in 2020 there were 2 disturbances, and in 2021 the period (January-June) had 2 disturbances.