-Survey Team at Meandu Mine -Sincere acknowledgements for allowing me access to all required data and files to ensure I was able to complete a thorough and accurate analysis.Zane Christensen -Mining Manager at Meandu -I pass my sincere gratitude for allowing me to use the site for my thesis and allowing me to communicate freely with staff on site to complete all required tasks.ii SUMMARY Through researching current literature on highwall and softwall designs as well as their, risks and benefits, major gaps were found in relation to softwalls. Softwalls are generally implemented due to a common and logical engineering assumption that if the angle of a slope is reduced, the stability is increased. However, when applying this into mining situations, it impacts the productivity and in turn, the costs of the mine. Thus, it was deemed worthy of a study to quantify the safety improvements as well as the changes in productivity and costs.Meandu Mine, an open cut coal mine in the Tarong Basin who currently implement a softwall design which allowed for quantitative results to be compiled. Currently, no quantitative analysis has been completed on the benefits or disadvantages, making this study beneficial specifically to the site. The softwall is currently implemented in the Central Pit only, resulting in all analysis being completed for this pit specifically.By analysing how the geological model is generated, it's accuracy was determined and found that the model was highly accurate due to the use of extensive boreholes. However, due to the erratic nature of the faults and geology at Meandu, discrepancies between the model predictions and actual locations of the coal seams and faults occur. From this, a flexibility zone was determined around both the coal seams and the faults to highlight the area in which they were likely to fall. A zone ±1.5m around the seams highlighted the area in which the seam was likely to fall 95% of the time. Similarly, a ±15m zone around faults was determined. The increase in size of the faults was due to the large throw and irregular nature of the them.