We have explored high power microwave ( = 1.5mm) pulse amplification along a tapered undulator FEL using the 1D Compton EEL equations with slippage. For an appropriate taper, sideband instabilities are suppressed and a short (-5Opsec) Gaussian pulse will propagate in a nearly se1fsimilar way as it grows in power, slipping through a much longer electron pulse (beam energy, 750kV; current, 100A; radius = 2mm; length = 200 radiation periods). This is in contrast to the example of pulse propagation in a constant parameter undulator, where the Gaussian pulse breaks up into irregularities identified with sidebanding. Variation of initial pulse width shows convergence to a 5Opsec wide output pulse. Because of the slippage of the radiation pulse through the electron pulse, the peak microwave pulse intensity, 3GW/cm2, is about three times the kinetic energy density of the eleciron beam.Keywords: short pulse, millimeter waves, free electron laser, high power This paper swdies a numerical model of a traveling wave, high gain, Compton EEL which operates at nearly optimal efficiency using a variable-parameter ("tapered") undulator and which produces an intense "clean" output spike pulse with a smooth spectrum almost free of Sidebands. The hardware would include a "seed" source which supplies a suitable pulse having a Gaussian shape, as input to a high efficiency EEL traveling wave amplifier having an appropriately tapered undulator. Our findings are that one might expect to develop a millimeter wavelength FEL pulse having peak power -3 GW/cm2 and FWHM -50 psec using a 0.75MeV, 100A electron beam. The powerful narrow pulse, about ten wavelengths wide, suggests potential application in the area of impulse radar.Under certain conditions, the free electron laser [FEL] oscillator has been found to provide an output of narrow, chaotic high power "spike" pulses of radiation characterized by a wide irregular spectrum [1-3]. Furthermore, in the operation of a EEL oscillator, experiment [4] as well as numerical theory which carries the analysis well into the nonlinear regime [5], shows that the FEL can operate in a mode characterized by low efficiency together with a narrow spectrum, or in a mode that has higher efficiency and a wide spectrum. The latter has to do with the sideband instability [6] which has been observed experimentally [7,8] and which is also found in connection with superradiant spiking studies [9-13] since both [14] arise from slippage. However, there is also evidence that the sideband instability can be stabilized with an appropriately chosen taper of the undulator [1547]. We therefore investigate the use of a tapered undulator to produce both a high power pulse as well as one that is narrow and regular in shape.We now develop a numerical model which establishes how such a FEL pulse can be prepared; we study a short millimeter wave pulse which is propagating along a much longer pulse of electrons that is traversing an undulator [18]. At FEL resonance, as the light wave moves down one undulator period, it slips ahead...