Photovoltaic solar cells based on the intermediate band (IB) concept could greatly enhance the efficiency of future devices. We have analyzed the electrical and photoconductivity properties of GaP supersaturated with Ti to assess its suitability for IB solar cells. GaP:Ti was obtained by ion implantation followed by pulsed-laser melting (PLM) using an ArF excimer laser. It was found that PLM energy densities between 0.35 and 0.55 J/cm 2 produced a good recovery of the crystalline structure of GaP (both unimplanted and implanted with Ti), as evidenced by high mobility measured values (close to the reference GaP). Outside this energy density window, the PLM failed to recover the crystalline structure producing a low mobility layer that is electrically isolated from the substrate. Spectral photoconductivity measurements were performed by using the van der Pauw set up. For GaP:Ti a significant enhancement of the conductivity was observed when illuminating the sample with photon energies below 2.26 eV, suggesting that this photoconductivity is related to the presence of Ti in a concentration high enough to form an IB within the GaP bandgap. The position of the IB was estimated to be around 1.1 eV from the conduction band or the valence band of GaP, which would lead to maximum theoretical efficiencies of 25% to 35% for a selective absorption coefficients scenario and higher for an overlapping scenario.