JR curves in elastoplastic fracture are customarily obtained by measuring the accumulated work U= under load up to various propagated crack lengths a, and plotting (in the case of notched 3-point bend bars, for example) flU ffBbo versus Aa or versus Aafoo where 11 is Turner's factor (=2 for deeply notched bend bars), B is beam thickness, bo is the starting ligament length and Aa =(a-ao) where ao is the starting crack length; for a beam of depth w, bo = w -ao. U= comprises two parts: U~, up to the initiation of cracking and U . Sometimes the elastic energy under load A is removed from U= and ri(U -A)I~o is used for the ordinate which may then be called JR~,' see Fig. 1.In a research note on the scaling of JR curves [1] it was shown that a simple algebraic model for notched bending gave
JR = 2Ua~JBbo =R +R(Aa/bo)where R is the fracture toughness (equivalent to Jo or Ji) which suggested how JR curves from specimens with different bo could be scaled. At the time it was thought that the model represented a rigid-plastic solution; subsequently, it was realised that the model conforms instead to non-linear elasticity [2]. The interesting reasons why this is so, and a proper comparison between a nle and rigid-plastic solution for the same problem, is discussed elsewhere [3]. The purpose of this note is to pose the question that if linear JR-type plots are predicted by constant fracture toughness nle solutions, do the same types of plot occur with constant toughness linear elastic cracking? If so, it must have a bearing on the belief still held, it seems, by some people that an increasing JR-Aa curve represents increased resistance to cracking. The note is relevant to a recent paper by Kolednik [4] who discusses the physical meaning of JR curves, and to the paper by Thomason [5] on the very validity of J and J-controlled growth itself.Consider first the simple example of a double cantilever beam LEFM specimen with initial crack length ao. Cracking is stable under displacementcontrol with propagation load X decreasing under increasing load-point displacement. Since the behaviour is globally elastic, all loading-unloading lines Int Journ of Fracture 51 (1991)