Ants, billbugs, cabbage maggot, carrot rust fly, corn rootworms, crickets, flea beetles, mole crickets, onion maggot, seed-corn beetle, seed-corn maggot, sweet potato weevil, western spotted cucumber beetle, white-fringed beetle, .white grubs, wire-Beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, escarole, flowers, lawns, lettuce, melons, onion, pastures, peanut, pepper, potatoes, radish, small grains, squash, strawberry, sugar cane, tobacco, tomato, turf Chlordan 0.5-101• worms Ants, army worms, chinch bug, corn rootworms, crickets, cutworms, elongated flea beetle, lesser corn-stalk borer, mole crickets, seed-corn maggot, sweet potato weevil, webworms, white-fringed beetle, white grubs, wireworms Beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, corn, cotton, cucumber, eggplant, lawns, lettuce, melons, ornamentals, pastures, peanut, pepper, potatoes, squash, strawberry, sugar cane, tobacco, tomato, turf DDT 1-25 Army worms (in pastures); European chafer; insects of lawns, turf, and ornamentals; sweet clover weevil, white-fringed beetle; wireworms Lawns, noncultivated crops, ornamentals, pastures, potatoes, sweet clover, turf, unspecified Dieldrin 0.5-6Ants, army worms, cabbage maggot, carrot rust fly, chinch bug, corn rootworms, cutworms, flea beetles, green beetle, mole crickets, onion maggot, western spotted cucumber beetle, white-fringed beetle, white grubs, wireworms Cabbage, carrot, cucumber, corn, gladiolus, lawns, noncultivated crops, onion, pastures, radish, small grains, strawberry, sweet potato Heptachlor 0.5-6Ants, cabbage maggot, carrot rust fly, corn rootworms, crickets, cutworms, flea beetles, lesser cornstalk borer, onion maggot, mole crickets, seed-corn beetle, seed-corn maggot, sweet potato weevil, western spotted cucumber beetle, white-fringed beetle, white grubs, wireworms Beans, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, lawns, lettuce, onion, ornamentals, pastures, peanut, pepper, potatoes, radish, small grains, squash, strawberry, sugar cane, tomato, tobacco, turf, watermelon " In one state fertilizers containing either BHC or lindane are approved for use on lawns and golf courses only. Fertilizers containing toxaphene are approved in two states.