Some properties of thc pure aminoacidsthe products of the microbiological synthesis as an object of drying are established by the experiments. It is shown that the vacuum-oscillating drying method is the effective solution of the technological problem of drying the Leucine, Isoleucine, Triptophnn and Threonin. The mathematical model of this process is elaborated, whose adeqaacy is verified by experiments. This model may be used for technological calculations and for technology optimization.Microbiological synthesis is the most effective way of producing the L-aminoacids now. The drying is the final stage of this process is playing an important role because of its great influence on the quality of the product. Thus the detailed study of the process fundamentals, theoretical and experimental substantiation of the adopted solutions are required in designing of the stage. As it is stated [l, 21, the aminoacids are non-thermostable materials; the quantity influence of the heating effect of drying on the aminoacids consistence in mushrooms was studied in [2]. The analysis of the drying means extended in microbiological industry [3-61 shows, that according to a number of considerations the methods with "mild" regimes of heating effect, such as vacuum drying and drymg in fluidized layer (DFL), are suitable to aminoacids. This article deals with the study of the problems of the application of these two drying methods and their combinationvacuum-oscillating method (VOD) [7] for drying of L-leucine (Leu), L-isoleucine (Ue), L-tryptophan (Trp), L-threonin (Thr) and with the elaboration of the physical and mathematical models of these processes.
Experimental MethodsThe possibilities of vacuum drying of the aminoacids have been studied in the experimental vacuum dryer with heated rotor-coil pipe and walls [8]. It is stated that these materials are disposed to agglomerate and to stick to the rotor and walls (in particular Thr), which brings to naught the mixing vacuum drying advantages and confirms the remark [5] on the difficulty of the paste product drying. The investigation of DFL and VOD were carried out on installation [9, 101 Fig. 1. Experimentson VOD were started with the heating of the installation with hot air, after