First-principles calculations reveal a large cooperative coupling of Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion to oxygenoctahedron rotations in perovskite LaMnO 3 . The combination of the two distortions is responsible for stabilizing the strongly orthorhombic A-AFM insulating (I ) eP bnm ground state relative to a metallic ferromagnetic (FM-M) phase. However, epitaxial strain due to coherent matching to a crystalline substrate can change the relative stability of the two states. In particular, coherent matching to a square-lattice substrate favors the less orthorhombic FM-M phase, with the A-AFM phase stabilized at higher values of tensile epitaxial strain due to its larger volume per formula unit, resulting in a coupled magnetic and metal-insulator transition at a critical strain close to 1%. At the phase boundary, a very large magnetoresistance is expected. Tensile epitaxial strain enhances the JT distortion and opens the band gap in the A-AFM-I c-eP bnm phase, offering the opportunity for band-gap engineering. Compressive epitaxial strain induces a transition within the FM-M phase from the c-eP bnm orientation to the ab-eP bnm orientation with a change in the direction of the magnetic easy axis relative to the substrate, yielding strain-controlled magnetization at the phase boundary. Similar behavior is expected in other JT active P bnm perovskites. (La,M)MnO 3 (M = Ca, Pr, Sr, Ba) has been of great interest due to the couplings among structure, magnetic and orbital orderings, and the resulting functional properties, such as colossal magneto-resistance (CMR). 1-4 As a result, there have been many experimental 5-8 and theoretical 9-25 studies of the end-member compound LaMnO 3 (LaMnO 3 ). The observed sequence of phases with decreasing temperature is as follows: 8,26 At very high temperature (above 1010 K), LaMnO 3 has a rhombohedral R3c structure, produced by rotation of the oxygen octahedron network of the ideal perovskite structure. From 1010 K down to 750 K, it has an orthorhombic P bnm structure produced by a different pattern of octahedral rotations. At 750 K, an orbital-order transition occurs by a cooperative Jahn-Teller transition; 27 however, this distortion does not break the symmetry of the P bnm structure. Finally, a magnetic transition to an A-type antiferromagnetic (A-AFM) ordering (ferromagnetic alignment in the xy planes, with spin direction alternating from plane to plane) occurs at 135 K.It proves to be challenging to reproduce the observed A-AFM ground state of LaMnO 3 , with its half filled e g level, from first principles. If the structural parameters are fixed to the experimental values, the correct magnetic ordering is obtained with a range of density-functional-theory (DFT) methods. However, full optimization of the structure within DFT generally gives a competing FM-M phase as the ground state, 11,17 and the correct ground state is obtained only in calculations with both a generalized gradient form of the density functional and inclusion of a Hubbard U . 16 More generally, various couplings in com...