Multiplicative and additive D-stability, diagonal stability, Schur Dstability, H-stability are classical concepts which arise in studying linear dynamical systems. We unify these types of stability, as well as many others, in one concept of (D, G, •)-stability, which depends on a stability region D ⊂ C, a matrix class G and a binary matrix operation •. This approach allows us to unite several well-known matrix problems and to consider common methods of their analysis. In order to collect these methods, we make a historical review, concentrating on diagonal and D-stability. We prove some elementary properties of (D, G, •)-stable matrices, uniting the facts that are common for many partial cases. Basing on the properties of a stability region D which may be chosen to be a concrete subset of C (e.g. the unit disk) or to belong to a specified type of regions (e.g. LMI regions) we briefly describe the methods of further development of the theory of (D, G, •)-stability. We mention some applications of the theory of (D, G, •)-stability to the dynamical systems of different types.