In the paper, we are concerned with the large time asymptotics toward the viscous contact waves for solutions of the Landau equation with physically realistic Coulomb interactions. Precisely, for the corresponding Cauchy problem in the spatially one-dimensional setting, we construct the unique global-in-time solution near a local Maxwellian whose fluid quantities are the viscous contact waves in the sense of hydrodynamics and also prove that the solution tends toward such local Maxwellian in large time. The result is proved by elaborate energy estimates and seems the first one on the dynamical stability of contact waves for the Landau equation. One key point of the proof is to introduce a new time-velocity weight function that includes an exponential factor of the form exp(q(t) ξ 2 ) with q(t) := q 1 − q 2 t 0 q 3 (s) ds, where q 1 and q 2 are given positive constants and q 3 (•) is defined by the energy dissipation rate of the solution itself. The time derivative of such weight function is able to induce an extra quartic dissipation term for treating the large-velocity growth in the nonlinear estimates due to degeneration of the linearized Landau operator in the Coulomb case. Note that in our problem the explicit time-decay of solutions around contact waves is unavailable but no longer needed under the crucial use of the above weight function, which is different from the situation in [11,14].