“…Previous studies have shown that the highest load carrying capacity of PSCs is usually observed at prestress levels higher than the theoretical optimal prestress (Li et al, 2016(Li et al, , 2019Osofero et al, 2013;Saito and Wadee, 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2010. However, for the purpose of comparison, theoretical values of T opt were adopted for all imperfection levels as a benchmark, similar to previous work (Li et al, 2016(Li et al, , 2018a(Li et al, , 2018b(Li et al, , 2019Wadee, 2009b, 2010), although the authors recognise that further study is required to investigate the sensitivity of eccentrically loaded columns to change in initial prestress. Furthermore, column yielding was neglected, as column buckling is critical and occurs before material yielding for configurations and material properties considered in this study.…”