DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2016.03.007
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Stability of prestressed stayed steel columns with a three branch crossarm system

Abstract: Analytical and numerical investigations of the stability of prestressed stayed columns with three crossarms branching laterally and symmetrically are presented. It is shown that modal symmetry is broken automatically if the critical mode is antisymmetric, which distinguishes it from the stayed columns studied hitherto. The governing imperfection distribution that should be adopted within finite element analysis to capture the actual load-carrying capacity is also obtained. The findings suggest that when the cr… Show more

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Cited by 34 publications
(16 citation statements)
References 22 publications
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“…9 would provide a complete buckling analysis of such pre-stressed geometric UCs and the basis of extending the analysis to multiple cross-arms (e.g. [12]).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…9 would provide a complete buckling analysis of such pre-stressed geometric UCs and the basis of extending the analysis to multiple cross-arms (e.g. [12]).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Previous studies have shown that the highest load carrying capacity of PSCs is usually observed at prestress levels higher than the theoretical optimal prestress (Li et al, 2016(Li et al, , 2019Osofero et al, 2013;Saito and Wadee, 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2010. However, for the purpose of comparison, theoretical values of T opt were adopted for all imperfection levels as a benchmark, similar to previous work (Li et al, 2016(Li et al, , 2018a(Li et al, , 2018b(Li et al, , 2019Wadee, 2009b, 2010), although the authors recognise that further study is required to investigate the sensitivity of eccentrically loaded columns to change in initial prestress. Furthermore, column yielding was neglected, as column buckling is critical and occurs before material yielding for configurations and material properties considered in this study.…”
Section: Eccentricity Sensitivitymentioning
confidence: 97%
“…The ABAQUS keyword file was then edited to include the initial imperfection to induce buckling, so the post-buckling behaviour could be observed. It is common practice to use the buckling shapes as initial imperfections in the post-buckling analysis of PSCs as it has been shown that by adopting these, PSCs post-buckling behaviour can be accurately captured (Li et al, 2016, 2018a, 2018b, 2019; Osofero et al, 2013; Yu and Wadee, 2017a, 2017b). The configuration of the columns investigated in the eccentricity sensitivity study is shown in Figure 1(b), where P is the applied load and e is the eccentricity.…”
Section: Numerical Modellingmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The single-bay case with a three crossarm rosette, as represented in Figure 4(b), was studied recently in [27] and as a potential unit cell in a lattice material [28]. Currently, the triple-bay system is assumed to have either the case shown in Figure 4(a) with deflections in the z-direction completely restrained or, effectively, the case shown in Figure 4(c) where it has been demonstrated previously that the system has no preferred buckling direction [29].…”
Section: Model Formulationmentioning
confidence: 99%