Ten potato cultivars were evaluated in Argentina for foliage and tuber susceptibility to Phytophthora infestans, the oomycete pathogen causing late blight. Pathogen isolates collected from two major potato production regions in the country were polymorphic for specific virulence and isozyme banding patterns, although diversity was found among and not within specific locations. Four of the cultivars were found to be highly resistant in foliage, having little disease in the field and greenhouse and racespecific resistance is suspected. One of these is Russet Burbank, which is highly susceptible in the United States. Cultivar Shepody was the most susceptible and was assigned a value of 8, which was used together with area under disease progress curve values to calculate scale values of the other cultivars on a 1 to 9 susceptibility scale (where 9 is highly susceptible). Cultivar Ranger Russet had values of about 2.5 and resistance could be race-nonspecific. The other cultivars for which race incompatibility did not appear to be a problem had susceptibility values between 4 and 8. Foliage susceptibility values for greenhouse and field were correlated. Foliage and tuber susceptibility were also correlated, although with exceptions and only one cultivar, Innovator, was highly resistant in tubers. The two isolates chosen for assessment of foliage susceptibility in the greenhouse differed for aggressiveness in separate tests where components were measured; however, no cultivar-by-isolate interaction was measured. Cultivars with high levels of putative race-specific foliage resistance should be used with constant monitoring in Argentina.Resumen Se evaluaron diez cultivares de papa en Argentina para susceptibilidad de follaje y tubérculo a Phytophthora infestans, el oomiceto patógeno causante del tizón tardío. Aislamientos del patógeno colectados de dos regiones importantes productoras de papa en el país fueron polimórfi-cos para virulencia específica y para patrones de bandas de isoenzimas, aunque la diversidad que se encontró fue entre y no dentro de localidades específicas. Se encontró que cuatro de los cultivares fueron altamente resistentes en follaje, con poca enfermedad en el campo e invernadero, sospechándose de resistencia específica a razas. Una de ellas es Russet Burbank, que es altamente susceptible en los Estados Unidos. El cultivar Shepody fue el mas susceptible, con un valor de 8, que se usó junto con los valores del área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad para calcular valores de escala de los otros cultivares en una escala de susceptibilidad de 1 a 9 (donde 9 es altamente susceptible). El cultivar Ranger Russet tuvo valores cercanos a 2.5 y la resistencia pudo ser no específica para razas. Los otros cultivares, para los cuales la incompatibilidad de las razas no parecía ser problema, tuvieron valores de susceptibilidad entre 4 y 8. Se correlacionaron los valores de susceptibilidad del follaje para el invernadero y el campo. Así también se correlacionó la susceptibilidad de follaje y tubérculo, aunq...