Abshact--'Ibe composite-system metbod for nnalyzing s f a b i i of large-scale systems is stndied focming on the quaddc+rder tkmeans using M-matriw. Here, by tbe term "amposite-system method", we refer tothemethodtodecompasealarge-scalesystemintosmallersubsystems and to make two-step analysis (Le.., f i i to analyze subsystems and second to eambine the results to rednce the property of the * l e ) . 'llmries about Lyapunov s t a b i i and about input-ontput stability are h i from a unified standpii and their mutual relation is clarXed. As an application, simple frequency domain stabiity aiteria are given for certain rlasses of multi-input mnlti-output system. The contents are generally useful for stabfity analysis of large-seale nonlinear syst em.
A . Problem Setting, Motiuation, and Outline of the MethodConsider a dynamical system given bywhere f ( x , t ) is assumed to satisfy the necessary smoothness requirements for existence, uniqueness, and continuity of the solution for an arbitrary initial condition and also to satisfy so that x = 0 is an equilibrium. We want to assure Lyapunov stability of the equilibrium x = 0 under the situation that the scale of the system is very large (i.e., m is large andf is complex) and, so, direct construction of a Lyapunov function for (1) is very difficult. In such a case, we can usually expect that the system consists of smaller subsystems. So, we assume that (1) can be decomposed as which w i l l be referred to as the jth isolated SS. In the following, we exclusively deal with the stability of the equilibriums x = 0 of CS 1 and 3 = 0 of isolated SS. Therefore, we merely say CSl (or an isolated S S ) is stable, aJymptotically stable, a.s.i.l., etc., if x = 0 (or 3 = 0 ) is SO.Now, let us make a general consideration about how to analyze CS1. As the result of decomposition, we can expect that construction of Lyapunov functions for isolated Ss's is comparatively easy (provided they are stable). So, let us assume that a Lyapunov function u,(%,t) is obtained for every isolated SS and consider to use their weighted sum (let d l , * -,dn be positive constants) j = 1; . ,n (CS25) $! = Cjlz +u,; y! = H-e! + G.e' J J J J