The Oscillatory Micro-Systems in the Reactionary ZonesAs noted by Novozhilov, B.V., the solid propellant burning surface represents the oscillatory system with infinite number of freedom degrees [11]. However, such composite systems cannot be understood, analyzing their parts separately. In 1951 Zhukov, B.P. has shown, that at the EM burning on the boundary between of solid and gas phases there is a liquid-viscous layer (LVL) [12]. These data were received by the experimental way. Namely from that time has appeared opportunity for analyze the EM combustion instability and abnormal physics-chemical processes at the EM burning at a new qualitative level. Later, the existence of a melt layer was proposed by several researchers (Beckstead & Hightower, 1967 [13] Tanaka & Beckstead, 1996), (Jeppson, Beckstead and Jing, 1998, [15]); they made reference to the melt layer and estimated its thickness.