A computer experiment study of population evolution and its dynamics is presented for two competing species (A and B) which share two habitats (1 and 2) of a limited environmental capacity. The Penna model of biological aging, based on the concept of defective mutation accumulation, was adopted for migrating population. In this paper, we assume and concentrate on the case when only one species (A) is mobile. For isolated habitats and for any initial population, we get at equilibrium spatial population distribution (A, B) in which A occupies location '1' only, while B-species is the ultimate winner in '2'. This is achieved by suitable choice of model parameters so habitat '1' is more attractive for species 'A' while location '2' is more advantageous to 'B'. However, population distribution begins to differ when migration between habitats is allowed. Initially stable distribution (A, B), becomes (A, A&B) with a mixed stationary population in location '2'. For a higher migration rate, initial (A, B) distribution goes to (A, A) distribution, in which A species is dominant also in a less friendly habitat '2'. However, a further increase in migration rate brings sequence (A, B) → (B, B). In short, for sufficiently high mobility of A-species, they eliminate themselves. Other scenarios not discussed here were also studied. They offer a rich variety of different sequences of population distribution regarding their size as well as other characteristics.