We study the linear stability of planar shear banded flow with respect to perturbations with wavevector in the plane of the banding interface, within the non local Johnson Segalman model. We find that perturbations grow in time, over a range of wavevectors, rendering the interface linearly unstable. Results for the unstable eigenfunction are used to discuss the nature of the instability. We also comment on the stability of phase separated domains to shear flow in model H. [5] in which the underlying constitutive curve of shear stress vs. shear rate, T xy (γ), is non-monotonic ( Fig. 1), allowing the coexistence of bands of differing shear rate at common shear stress, Fig. 2. However, most theoretical studies have considered only one spatial dimension (1D) [6,7], normal to the interface between the bands (the flow gradient direction, y). The stability of 1D banded profiles in higher dimensions has been implicitly assumed, but is in fact an open question. In this Letter, therefore, we study numerically the linear stability of 1D planar shear banded profiles with respect to perturbations with wavevectors in the interfacial plane (x, z) = (flow, vorticity).We work within the Johnson Segalman (JS) model [8], modified to include non local diffusive terms [9]. These account for gradients in the order parameters across the banding interface, conferring a surface tension. This "dJS" model is often taken as a paradigm of shear banding systems. Our main result will be that interfacial fluctuations typically grow in time, rendering the 1D banded profile linearly unstable. This potentially opens the way to non trivial interfacial dynamics and could form a starting point for understanding an emerging body of data revealing erratic fluctuations of shear banded flows [10]. This work is a timely counterpart to new techniques for measuring interfacial dynamics [11]. It is also relevant industrially, to processing instability and oil extraction.The model is defined as follows. The generalised Navier Stokes equation for a viscoelastic material in a Newtonian solvent of viscosity η and density ρ is:where V(R) is the velocity field and Σ(R) the viscoelastic part of the stress. For homogeneous planar shear, V = yγx, the total shear stress T xy = Σ xy (γ) + ηγ. The pressure P is determined by incompressibility,The viscoelastic stress evolves with dJS dynamics [8, 9]with plateau modulus G and relaxation time τ . The non local diffusive term accounts for spatial gradients across the interface between the bands. It arises naturally in models of liquid crystals, and diffusion of strained polymer molecules [12]. The time derivativein which D and Ω are the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the velocity gradient tensor, (∇V) αβ ≡ ∂ α v β . The "slip parameter" a measures the non-affinity of deformation of the viscoelastic component [8]. Slip occurs for |a| < 1. The underlying constitutive curve T xy (γ) is then capable of the non-monotonic behaviour of Fig. 1. Within this model we consider planar shear between infinite, flat parallel plat...