This study investigates the problem of global asymptotic stability of fixed-point two-dimensional (2D) digital filters described by the Fornasini-Marchesini second local state-space model with the combined effects of quantisation and overflow non-linearities. Utilising a more precise characterisation of the non-linearities, an improved criterion for the limit cycle-free realisation of 2D digital filters is brought out. The criterion is compared with several previously reported criteria.
Nomenclatureset of integer numbers Z + set of non-negative integers I n identity matrix of order n 1 n n × 1 vector with all elements equal to 1 0 null matrix or null vector of appropriate dimension f null set x i ith entry of a vector x J t list of coordinate indices, which we regard as a subset of {1, 2, …, n}; the subscript t refers to the iteration number n t number of indices in J t J c t complement set of J t such that J t < J c t = 1, 2, . . . , n { } ; the superscript c stands for the complementmaximum normalised quantisation error N max maximum representable number for a given wordlength T superscript 'T' refers to the transpose R > 0 R is positive definite symmetric matrix l min (P) minimum eigenvalue of matrix P l max (P) maximum eigenvalue of matrix P . 2 Euclidean norm