Let k be a field. Let G be an absolutely almost simple simply connected kgroup of type A l , l ≥ 2, or D l , l ≥ 4, containing a 2-dimensional split torus. If G is of type D l , assume moreover that char k = 2. We show that the Nisnevich sheafification of the non-stable K 1 -functor K G 1 , also called the Whitehead group of G, on the category of smooth k-schemes is A 1 -invariant, and has oriented weak transfers for affine varieties in the sense of Panin-Yagunov-Ross. If k has characteristic 0, this implies that the Nisnevich sheafification of K G 1 is birationally invariant. We also prove a rigidity theorem for A 1 -invariant torsion presheaves with oriented weak transfers over infinite fields. As a corollary, we conclude that K G 1 (R) = K G 1 (k) whenever R is a Henselian regular local ring with a coefficient field k.