Abstract. This paper is a continuation of a previous paper of the author ([5]), which gave an analogue to the classical Schur-Weyl duality in the setting of Deligne categories.Given a finite-dimensional unital vector space V (a vector space V with a chosen non-zero vector ½), we constructed in [5] a complex tensor power of V : an Ind-object of the Deligne category Rep(St) which is a Harish-Chandra module for the pair (gl(V ),P½), whereP½ ⊂ GL(V ) is the mirabolic subgroup preserving the vector ½.This construction allowed us to obtain an exact contravariant functor SW t,V from the category Rep ab (St) (the abelian envelope of the category Rep(St)) to a certain localization of the parabolic category O associated with the pair (gl(V ),P½).In this paper, we consider the case when V = C ∞ . We define the appropriate version of the parabolic category O and its localization, and show that the latter is equivalent to a "restricted" inverse limit of categories O p t,C N with N tending to infinity. The Schur-Weyl functors SW t,C N then give an anti-equivalence between this category and the category Rep ab (St).This duality provides an unexpected tensor structure on the category O p∞ t,C ∞ .