Sumsurooah, Sharmila and Odavic, Milijana and Bozhko, Serhiy (2017)
A note on versions:The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.For more information, please contact µ approach to robust stability domains in the space of parametric uncertainties for a power system with ideal CPL Sharmila Sumsurooah, Milijana Odavic, Member, IEEE, and Serhiy Bozhko, Member, IEEE Abstract-Power electronic systems are prone to instability. The problem, generally attributed to the constant power load (CPL) behaviour of their power electronic controlled loads, can become more acute when the systems are subject to parametric uncertainties. The structured singular value (SSV) based µ method has proven to be a reliable approach for assessing the stability robustness of such uncertain systems. Despite its numerous benefits, the µ method is not often applied to electrical power systems (EPS) with multiple uncertainties. This may be due to the mathematical complexity underlying the µ theory. This work aims to make the µ approach more application-friendly by providing clearer insights into the meaning and usefulness of the robust stability measure µ for EPS with multiple parametric uncertainties. This is achieved by presenting a methodology for translating µ analysis results from the frequency domain to the more perceivable uncertain parameters domain. The method directly demonstrates dependences of system stability on uncertain system parameters. Further, it clearly identifies robust stability domains as subsets of the much wider stability domains. The work is based on a representative EPS connected to an ideal CPL. µ analysis predictions are evaluated and validated against analytical results for the example CPL system.