In this paper, a hybrid adaptive control to realize an entire enveloppe speed regulation with fast operating condition changes and input saturation constraint is proposed. It is based on a simplified nonlinear parameter varying diesel engine model which includes variable transport delays in fueling input. The proposed controller which consists of a derived piecewise continuous controller based jumping-up sub-controller and a friction and load torque observer based Lyapunov function stabilization sub-controller guarantees the closed-loop system stability and demonstrates perfectly unknown friction and load torque disturbance rejection capacities. Comparing with a linear parameter varying control, the proposed hybrid adaptive control has better performance in terms of settling time, steady state error and it allows no static state fueling input oscillation and nearly zero speed drop in presence of significant external load torque changes. Moreover, the proposed control has a very simple structure and can be implemented easily for real-time system control.
I. INTRODUCTIONDiesel engines are recognized as the most common and preferred solution for the distributed power generating systems in numerous applications, such as automotive vehicles, ships, cranes, and electric power generators due to theirs superior fuel efficiency and durability compared to the other types of internal combustion engines [26], [8], [9]. The diesel engine design objectives are to obtain the best possible performance in terms of speed regulation (such as maintaining good transient and steady-state performance and ensuring good external friction and load disturbance rejection capabilities), fuel consumption economy and exhaust gas emissions. Often, these are conflicting and coupling objectives, e.g. engine speed control has significant impact on engine performance, fuel consumption economy and exhaust gas emission [2]. The nonlinear and open loop possible unstable nature (which is most probably due to the positive feedback from the fueling input pumped from the engine output shaft), time varying delays (due to the interval between the cylinder firings in forward-loop) and multiple operating modes makes the engine speed control a very challenging problem.Until now, different approaches have been tested for engine speed control:• methods based on linearization model which are tuned and scheduled controllers at different operating points: optimal gain scheduling controller [3]