A two-stage-discharge ion source is proposed, in which a source plasma is produced through two stages of plasma production : first, an electron beam-plasma-discharge ; second, a kind of hollow-cathode a r c discharge. T h e first stage discharge produces a plasma containing abundant hot electrons. T h e plasma is then fed into the second stage, where -at a fairly low hydrogen gas pressure ( P < 4 m Torr)-a stable discharge is maintained by means of a cylinder electrode. T h i s cylinder electrode, connected to its own d c power supply, effectively serves to increase t h e ion density and to flatten its radial distribution. T h e source plasma generated by t h e foregoing two-stage-discharge permits the extraction of a high current ion beam of increased beam perveance. When a cylinder electrode of 6.5 cm diameter w a s used, the plasma ion density measured in the circular area of 4 cm diameter in front of the ion extraction aperture array w a s of a n order of 1012cm-3 with a radial density fluctuation within +0.1%.A description is given of this source, together with an analysis of the function of hot electrons on ion beam formation. A preliminary experiment on ion beam formation from this source plasma succeeded in obtaining a continuous hydrogen ion beam of 1.17 A a t an extraction voltage of 30 kV, with use of multiaperture electrodes provided with seven apertures each of 9 mm diameter. T h e ion beam had a current density of 260mA.DC/cm2. KEYWORDS: thermonuclear fusion experiment, "two-stage-discharge ion source", hydrogen ion beam, cylinder electrode, combination o f fwo kinds o f dischqrge, hot electron plasma, spatial ion density profile, beam perveance, 260 rnA.DClcm2