Dispersal affects the population dynamics of species in many different ways. High connectivity between different habitats is known to synchronize population fluctuations, increasing the likelihood of global extinctions (Earn et al., 2000;Gokhale et al., 2018;Molofsky & Ferdy, 2005). If local dynamics allows for stable fixed points under high dispersal, then the persistence times of species increase with the number of patches (Yaari et al., 2012).Most studies have found intermediate dispersal to support highest levels of species richness, but these systems either comprised very few species (Gokhale et al., 2018;Molofsky & Ferdy, 2005) or did not consider complex interspecies interactions (Mouquet & Loreau, 2003).Recently, the Generalized Lotka-Volterra (GLV) equations have been widely used for the analysis of large ecological communities, providing novel insights into the generic properties of such communities using relatively few parameters (Barbier et al., 2018;