The hole and electron doped LaCoO3 is studied using the dynamical mean-field theory. The oneparticle spectra are analyzed and compared to the available experimental data, in particular the x-ray absorption spectra. Analyzing the temporal spin-spin correlation functions we find the atomic intermediate spin state is not important for the observed Curie-Weiss susceptibility. Contrary to commonly held view about the roles played by the t2g and eg electrons we find narrow quasi-particle bands of t2g character crossing the Fermi level accompanied by strongly damped eg excitations.PACS numbers: 75.30. Wx,71.28.+d,75.20.Hr,71.10.Fd The electron-electron repulsion within the partially filled d shell is for a long time known to place the transition metal oxides among the most puzzling materials with properties varying substantially upon a small change of temperature, pressure, or carrier concentration. More recently the Hund's intra-atomic exchange and the competition between various spin states come to the spotlight as one of the key features in the physics of iron pnictides.
1,2However, the spin state competition is a much broader phenomenon 3 and we are only starting to understand its implications for the properties of materials.LaCoO 3 is a prototypical system with competing spin states. A small gap non-magnetic insulator at low temperature acquires Curie-Weiss (CW) susceptibility above 100 K 4 followed by disappearance of the charge gap between 450 and 600 K.5 The generally accepted explanation is essentially atomic physics of the low spin (t
6,7At < 18% Sr concentration microscopically inhomogeneous phase is observed that can be described as magnetic clusters separated by non-magnetic insulating matrix. Above 18% Sr concentrations the material becomes a homogeneous ferromagnetic (FM) metal. The interplay of spin state competition with the itinerant electron physics opens interesting possibilities 2 , which are yet to be investigated.Properties of La 1−x Sr x CoO 3 are commonly discussed in the context of double-exchange model which provides a satisfactory description of related La 1−x Sr x MnO 3 family. In this picture the t 2g electrons are localized on the metal atom forming the local spin moment while e g electrons form dispersive bands. Numerous comparative studies, however, found sizeable differences between cobaltites and manganites. Colossal magnetoresistance, the hallmark of manganite physics, is not found in cobaltites.
6,8The NMR relaxation rates in cobaltites are several orders of magnitude larger than in manganites.9 The linear specific heat coefficient in La 0.7 Sr 0.3 CoO 3 is 16 times larger than in La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 .8 These observations raise the question of the relevance of the double-exchange picture for doped cobaltites.The strong T -dependence of physical properties even in the parent compound LaCoO 3 make theoretical description of cobaltites challenging. Several density functional and Hartree-Fock calculations on doped cobaltites were reported. [10][11][12][13][14] In this Letter we use ...