Forming peptide hydrogen bonds was considered to be probably the most important driving force for protein folding in 1951, when Linus Pauling and Robert Corey proposed the hydrogenbonded structures of the ␣-helix (1) and two -sheets (2). Because the peptide CO and NH groups form competing hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) to water when a protein is unfolded it was evident, however, that the net contribution of the peptide H-bond (CO⅐⅐⅐HN) to protein stability might be small. In 1955 John Schellman (3, 4) made a first analysis of the energetics of peptide H-bonds in protein folding reactions. He listed the factors that should affect the stability of a peptide ␣-helix in water, and he estimated the strength of the peptide H-bond in water by attributing the unusual thermodynamics of aqueous urea solutions (which had been measured accurately) to H-bonded urea dimers. His analysis indicated that a peptide helix in water should have at most marginal stability. Any observable helix formation should be driven by the net enthalpy change (⌬H) of forming the peptide H-bond in water, and the aqueous urea data gave ⌬H ϭ Ϫ1.5 kcal/mol. The proposal of Schellman that helix formation should be driven by the enthalpy of the peptide H-bond was adopted by Zimm and Bragg (5) and by Lifson and Roig (6) in their treatments of the statistical mechanics of helix formation. Klotz and Franzen (7) found, however, that the dimerization of N-methylacetamide (NMA) in water was too small to measure, and the energetic significance of peptide H-bonds for protein folding lapsed into uncertainty. Interest in the problem diminished further as support grew for the bold proposal by Walter Kauzmann (8) in 1959 that the hydrophobic interaction provides the major driving force for protein folding.
Hydrogen Bond InventoryThe change in internal energy (⌬E) for forming a hydrogen bond in the gas phase can be calculated by quantum mechanics, and with steady improvement in methods of calculation, calculated values of H-bond energies are now believed to be comparable in accuracy to good experimental values. A recent calculated value for the ⌬E of dimerization of NMA in vacuum is Ϫ6.6 kcal/mol, which has been used as a model for the peptide H-bond (9). Some older calculated values indicate that the H-bonds formed by amide CO and NH groups to water (W), and also the W⅐⅐⅐W and CO⅐⅐⅐NH H-bonds, have roughly equal energies of about Ϫ6 Ϯ 1 kcal/mol (10, 11). The conclusion a decade ago was that a hydrogen bond inventory, discussed by Alan Fersht (12, 13), is sufficient to describe the net enthalpy of the peptide H-bond in water. In writing the inventory, the number of H-bonds is assumed to be the same, whereas their types are similar on both sides of the equation.If the assumptions made in writing Equation 1 are valid, then the net enthalpy of the peptide H-bond in water is 0 Ϯ 1 kcal/mol to a first approximation. In making quantum mechanics calculations to model the peptide H-bond and the NH⅐⅐⅐W and CO⅐⅐⅐W H-bonds, the energies