(2016). Highly water-soluble cyclopentadienyl and indenyl molybdenum(II) complexes -second generation of molybdenum-based cytotoxic agents. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016Chemistry, (4), 519-529. doi:10.1002 This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley-VCH Terms and Conditions for self-archiving". Ondřej Mrózek, [a] Lucie Šebestová, [b] Jaromír Vinklárek,* [a] Martina Řezáčová, [c] Aleš Eisner, [b] Zdeňka Růžičková, [a] and Jan Honzíček [d] Abstract [BF4]2 were determined by the X-ray crystallography. All synthesized compounds exhibit increased activity against human leukemia cell lines MOLT-4 and HL-60. They are about one order of magnitude more active than cisplatin. This study has proven that modification of the outer coordination sphere of molybdenum complexes has a strong impact on their activity and may be successfully used for a design of novel highly cytotoxic active species.