DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202001750
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Stabilized Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc Batteries Using Ethylene Glycol as Water Blocker

Abstract: Addressing the cost concerns and safety of zinc metal has stimulated research on mild aqueous Zn-metal batteries. However, their application is limited by dendrite formation and H 2 evolution on the Zn anode. Here, ethylene glycol (EG) is proposed as additional water blocker to form localized highconcentration electrolyte for aqueous Zn batteries. This unique solvation structure inhibits hydrate formation and facilitates close association of Zn 2 + and SO 4 2À , which alleviates undesired H 2 evolution and ena… Show more

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Cited by 111 publications
(62 citation statements)
References 51 publications
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“…Using a certain proportion of organic solvents as additives or cosolvents to mix with water is an encouraging method for extending the temperature window of aqueous electrolytes. EG and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) have received great attention because of their high miscibility in water, and the highest temperature range achieved was with 50 volume % EG with a reported range of −40° to 80°C ( 27 ). For utilization under various temperatures, most of the attention has been paid to the hydrogel electrolytes.…”
Section: Discussion Of the Development Of The Current Strategiesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Using a certain proportion of organic solvents as additives or cosolvents to mix with water is an encouraging method for extending the temperature window of aqueous electrolytes. EG and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) have received great attention because of their high miscibility in water, and the highest temperature range achieved was with 50 volume % EG with a reported range of −40° to 80°C ( 27 ). For utilization under various temperatures, most of the attention has been paid to the hydrogel electrolytes.…”
Section: Discussion Of the Development Of The Current Strategiesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Tremendous efforts have been exerted to solve the aforementioned problems of Zn metal anode. In terms of electrolytes, various additives such as polyacrylamide (PAM), [ 6 ] nickel triflate, [ 7 ] ethylene glycol, [ 8 ] benzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide (BTMAH), [ 9 ] dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB), [ 10 ] methyl ester ethoxylate (FMEE) [ 11 ] and diethyl ether [ 12 ] have been studied as an effective approach to suppress Zn dendrite growth. Besides, high concentration electrolytes such as 20 m LiTFSI + 1 m Zn(TFSI) 2 , [ 13 ] 30 m ZnCl 2 , [ 14 ] and “water‐mixed deep eutectic solvent” electrolytes [ 15 ] have been also proposed.…”
Section: Figurementioning
confidence: 99%
“…[ 26 ] The production of H 2 is accompanied by a localized pH increase near the reaction interphase and eventually promotes the generation of hydroxide sulfate Zn compounds, which are called “dead Zn” owing to the electronic insulator and non‐electroactive properties of deposits. [ 8 ] Herein, a 3D interconnected ZnF 2 matrix is proposed as a multifunctional protective layer to overcome the above two key issues simultaneously. The as‐fabricated Zn@ZnF 2 electrode can efficiently redistribute the Zn 2+ ion flux and significantly reduce the desolvation active energy, leading to stable and facile Zn deposition kinetics.…”
Section: Figurementioning
confidence: 99%
“…The electrochemical performances of zinc anode with various organic solvent additives are summarized in Table 2. 17,79,170,174,176–178,184,186–195,202–205 Generally, these organic solvent additives always show excellent solubility in water and can preferentially solvate with Zn 2+ ions. Besides, they have a strong interaction with H 2 O, which can reduce the activity of free H 2 O molecules.…”
Section: A Summary Of Solvation Structure Regulation Strategiesmentioning
confidence: 99%